Symptom Management

Symptom Management

Waste Management as You Age

Age and MS may compound bladder and bowel issues.
Symptom Management

MS and Migraine: More than Meets the Eye

As we learn more about MS and migraines, we are finding similarities in our approaches to them and in some of the pathophysiology.
Symptom Management

When Words Won't Come Easily

Some tips for when MS affects your ability to think and speak.
Symptom Management

Strategies for better communication, understanding

Clear communication can help clarify the many situations that are encountered by the person with MS and the people in his or her lives. 
Symptom Management

Symptoms Causing Symptoms

Some symptoms may be a direct result of MS, some may be a complication of a MS symptom, and some may not be related to MS at all.
Symptom Management

Understanding the Rarer Symptoms of MS

MS causes a variety of symptoms, it's important to know what the less common ones might be.
Symptom Management

Optic Neuritis and MS

We are now able to predict the risk of subsequent MS in selected individuals who present initially with optic neuritis.
Symptom Management

Give Me A Hug, But Not an MS Hug

The MS Hug is the name given to a “band-like” sensation that feels like a tight strap or girdle wrapped around the torso area.
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