Symptom Management

Symptom Management

Move More Freely

For persons living with multiple sclerosis, walking and other everyday movements may become a significant problem, limiting independence in the hom...
Symptom Management

Declare Your Independence Using Mobility Aids

When I meet with a new patient I always ask them, “What are your goals for coming to physical therapy?"
Symptom Management

Running on Empty: Dealing with Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common and most bothersome symptoms experienced by people with MS; the word itself – fatigue – does not adequately expre...
Symptom Management

Fatigue Management: Conserving Your Energy

Although fatigue can be a challenge, there are ways to increase your energy with a little preparedness and ingenuity.
Symptom Management

A Nurse’s Guide To Managing Fatigue

I have multiple sclerosis and I'm a MS-certified nurse. This allows me to share my experiences from both sides of an MS diagnosis.
Symptom Management

Help for Urinary Incontinence

Because of the highly negative effects of urinary incontinence, awareness of available testing and treatment options is incredibly important.
Symptom Management

Treatment for Cognitive Difficulties

Cognitive difficulties are common symptoms of MS. In the past few years neuropsychologists have identified specific ways in which cognitive decline...
Symptom Management

Screening Key to Catching Cognitive Dysfunction

Cognitive symptoms can be subtle, are rarely sudden in onset, and can progress very slowly over time.
Displaying results 33-40 (of 87)
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