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Is There a Connection Between MS and Obesity?
By Matt Cavallo
Weight has been a running theme with me over the last couple of years. First, I tried
intermitting fasting
, but I was never able to really achieve my goals. Then, during quarantine, being at home and living a sedentary lifestyle got led to my heaviest weight and to a secondary health problem of acid reflux. If living with multiple sclerosis and acid reflux weren’t bad enough, I also developed
that lasted for two weeks this time last year.
To read this without a photograph, you may think I look really heavy. In reality, I am 6 feet 2 inches tall and 245 pounds and don’t look overweight. I look like I have a ‘dad bod’ and my once square jaw has rounded. Being tall, I am able to hide the extra weight except in my belly. The problem is that males who carry their weight in their belly like I do often suffer from serious health problems down the road.
Even don’t look like I am someone who would be considered obese, I have a BMI of 34.1 percent and a body fat percentage of 33 percent which puts me in the obese category. When I learned this information, I was shocked. I was also shocked at the physical toll it was taking on me and my MS
In the here and now, my extra weight is hurting my MS. I had a
severe relapse
in 2016 where I was basically paralyzed on the right side of my body from my face to my feet. This led to overall
on my right side that I have not recovered from.
Where the extra weight comes into play is that it is making it hard for me to
. My weakened right leg now has a slight limp. I am also having trouble getting up from sitting or lying down. In addition, I developed hip bursitis, which my
physical therapist
believes comes from my right leg being weaker. The extra weight I am putting on that leg is really making it hard to move, so I find myself participating in less and less physical activity.
Because I don’t look obese, but I am considered obese, I started researching MS and obesity. Here are some of the things that I learned from medical studies on MS and obesity:
Several studies all over the world have concluded that obesity can make a person
more susceptible to developing MS
Obesity causes inflammation, which can make
MS symptoms
and adolescents with MS who are obese do not respond as well to
MS treatments
Obesity can lead to more rapid disease progression.
The finding that really surprised me was that the majority of people who are overweight with MS do not adopt a specific diet. I realized that I was in that majority, so I decided to make a change.