Life with MS


Life with MS

Intimacy and Sexuality with Multiple Sclerosis

With MS, symptoms can occur that may present obstacles in your capacity for emotional relatedness and sexual intimacy.
Life with MS

Keeping Romance Alive

This article contains frank discussion of the ways in which MS can affect intimacy and sexuality.
Life with MS

Looking For A Love Connection?

Whether you are looking for conversation, flirtation, companionship, or true love, here are some resources that may prove helpful.
Life with MS

Dynamics of an Intimate Relationship

Few things are more perplexing than our relationships with our significant other.
Life with MS

Can Your Relationship Survive MS?

The answer is…YES! Your relationship may not only survive, but may actually strengthen as you unite to fight a common enemy.
Life with MS

Your Health: The Total Picture

A look at the various healthcare factors for someone with MS.
Life with MS

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

While it is our right as patients to expect certain things of our doctors, we are active participants in the patient-doctor exchange.
Life with MS

Identifying and Treating MS in the Very Young

About 5 percent of people living with MS are diagnosed before 18 years of age and are considered to have childhood onset MS.
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