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Massage therapy can help manage MS symptoms

Here are three reasons message therapy can be an important way to supplement symptom management.
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MS and feeling dumb

You are not dumb. You are living with the challenges of MS that are making you feel that way.
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Preparing for the new year

Setting realistic health goals with MS.
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Using grit to rise up and bite back at MS

When MS knocks us down both literally and figuratively, we have to find a way to get back up.
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The Holidays, MS, and the Art of Mindful Eating

It’s about being present and making choices that support your health, your well-being, and your ability to live fully with MS.
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Holiday Giving

How to support the MS community during the season of giving.
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Supportive listener or conversational hijacker?

Learning how to improve communication skills and engagement with others in the MS community.
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Embracing Gratitude

Nurturing mental health and positivity in the face of MS.
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